Make the most of tracking platform MyWakes

Document your trips

Add geo-referenced photos to the tracking platform in your tracks, find them on the map and view them at any time.

Create your POIs

Customize your maps by adding or importing points of interest.

Connect the apps

Exchange data with other apps such as Google Earth using KML, KMZ, GPX and GeoRSS data formats.

Position your maps

Create map overlays by uploading your custom maps (in jpg, gif and png formats).

set points of interest (POI) in the GPS tracking platform

Points of interest (POIs)

Define key POIs on the tracking platform, such as warehouses, petrol stations, airports, clients, head offices and facilities, on the map.

Assign an icon to each POI for immediate visibility.

Dispatch job assignments and routes directly to the POIs, automatically monitoring arrivals, idling, departures.

Import and export POIs in GPX files or send them directly to the Garmin GPS system.

Driver identification

MyWakes allows you to identify and recognize drivers for authorised vehicle engine start up or access to the tracking platform itself.

By connecting the optional driver ID kit (comprising either an RFID driver card reader or iButton Dallas keys), you can monitor on field attendance and record the activities carried out by your drivers, technicians and salesmen.

The system can be set up to allow an engine to be unblocked only by authorized personnel, which is a fundamental aspect in the car hire business or as an added security feature (you can also set an alarm for each successful or failed authentication event).

Driver authorisation may be granted or removed at any time from the tracking platform.

Driver identification and driving styles in the GPS tracking platform

Multi users

Freely manage secondary operators and users.

Scalable and modular

Install the optional features that are best suited to your company’s specific needs.

Upload in the tracking platform any geo-referenced photo or picture

Attach geo-referenced photos

When you need to document a job assignment or route, it may be useful to attach one or more images to the track in the tracking platform.

With MyWakes you can upload all the images you want and geo-reference them to see their corresponding position on the map.

If the mobile phone or camera that took the photo produces geo-referenced photos, these will be automatically positioned on the point in which they were taken.

If you use our app to take the photo, you will automatically find the geo-referenced photo uploaded onto your latest track in the tracking platform.

Customize your maps

In MyWakes tracking platform you can upload your KML, KMZ, GPX, JPG, GeoRSS files from Google Earth to view them as map overlays when you view a track.

If you decide to overlay maps (images in jpg, png, gif formats) you can adjust the transparency of the layer so that the underlying base map remains visible.

This feature is available in both the 2D and 3D view maps.

Customize tracking platform maps with 3d model, layers, google earth kml, kmz and garmin gpx
Weather forecast, conditions and cloudiness worlwide

Weather forecast, conditions and cloudiness worlwide

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Sunrise and sunset times service worldwide

Sunrise and sunset times service worldwide

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The brand new GPS tracking platform is ready

The brand new GPS tracking platform is ready

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