Avioportolano chart integration

MyWakes integrates Avioportolano flight charts and overlays the map with the tracks of your flights.
MyWakes increases flight tracking services thanks to the new connection between its GPS flight tracker system and the Avioportolano maps – reference for aeronautical cartography – which is now fully integrated into MyWakes.
You will get flight maps at Avioportolano digital chart site use them in your profile simply by entering the code that will be emailed to you when you purchase them.
This way you will be able to review your flights and plan your new flight plan using the Avioportolano charts as a base..
The purchased charts will be available in all MyWakes maps: both GPS tracker radar, track viewer and Rest Web API Iframe for developer will show users’ charts.
So, all third-party software that integrates MyWakes Rest interface will automatically inherit Avioportolano’s cartography support.
GPS Tracking for iPhone and Android
MyWakes supports bTraced: the mobile app that allows iPhone and Android smartphone GPS tracking. Using a smartphone app to track your movements is now possible thanks to the new interface developed by MyWakes for bTraced tracking app. BTraced App is available for iOS...
MyWakes tracking API in best Web API Rest listings
MyWakes tracking APIs are ranked seventh in Programmable Web's SDKs and Sample Code Listings, the leading source of news & information about APIs. Programmable Web, the leading source of news & information about APIs, chronicling the evolution of the global...
New REsT Web API and swagger interface for developers
We have just released our new Web API. It’s based on industry-standard REST principles and allows your applications and devices to fully interact with MyWakes Platform through standard HTTP requests. We have just released our new Web API. It’s based on...
MyWakes at Smart Mobility World 2015 the future of connected cars
The Monza Circuit hosts the future smart mobility automotive My Wakes will be at Smart Mobility World 2015 that will take place on 28 – 30 October 2015 on the renowned Monza Circuit. Three days dedicated to new technologies for automotive innovation,...
Develop your tracking applications faster with MyWakes Web API
Do you want your product to grow up adding a complete solution to locate your vehicles and don't you know how ? Take a look at our developer web site, enjoy Web API and enhance your solution. MyWakes offers a GPS location finder and recorder service that permit to...
Inserting and Creating Point of Interest (POI)
From now you can have POI on all your tracks and maps of the Pickway and Keepway devices. A POI is a point that can be of and kind of interest, like a Parking area or a Tutor, from restaurant to airports. Every user can create his own point of interest or even...