Advanced features

Make the most of tracking platform MyWakes  Document your trips Add geo-referenced photos to the tracking platform in your tracks, find them on the map and view them at any time.  Create your POIs Customize your maps by adding or importing points of...

Internet of Things (IoT)

Unleash the power of MyWakes IoT ecosystem  Secure IoT devices Prevent intrusions and get all your connected IoT devices to communicate safely with encrypted protocols. Integrate devices from the world’s leading electronics companies and appliance...

Personal tracking

The personal GPS tracker that looks after your loved ones and accompanies you in your spare time  Personal GPS tracker for your family Help loved ones enjoy their independence in complete safety with personal GPS tracker for seniors, always knowing what’s...


PRIVACY POLICY AND INFORMATION ON THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA La presente informativa (o “privacy policy”) è resa nel rispetto della vigente normativa in materia di protezione dei dati personali e, in particolare, ai sensi del Regolamento UE 2016/679 relativo alla...


FAQ: MyWakes frequently asked questions… and answers! What is MyWakes ? MyWakes is an Internet cloud platform with a software made for GPS tracking of vehicles, assets, animals, children, elder and people in general. The service is provided with an annual fee...
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