Internet of Things (IoT)

Unleash the power of MyWakes IoT ecosystem  Secure IoT devices Prevent intrusions and get all your connected IoT devices to communicate safely with encrypted protocols. Integrate devices from the world’s leading electronics companies and appliance...

Vehicle tracking

Vehicle GPS tracking device and complete tracking platform U In real time Know immediately where your vehicles are and where they were, which route they took, where they were idling and for how long with your MyWakes vehicle GPS tracking device.  Always...


FAQ: MyWakes frequently asked questions… and answers! What is MyWakes ? MyWakes is an Internet cloud platform with a software made for GPS tracking of vehicles, assets, animals, children, elder and people in general. The service is provided with an annual fee...
Inserting and Creating Point of Interest (POI)

Inserting and Creating Point of Interest (POI)

Inserting and Creating Point of Interest (POI) From now you can have POI on all your tracks and maps of the Pickway and Keepway devices. A POI is a point that can be of and kind of interest, like a Parking area or a Tutor, from restaurant to airports. Every user can...
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